Friday 14 May 2010

Inspiring Wallets

Inspiring Wallets

upcycled vintage leaf pocket wallet, 2. handmade wallet in designer fabrics, 3. Embroidered Wallet Plum Zinnia on Seafoam, 4. Tomboy Wallet, 5. plaid and fern purses, 6. crochet/sewn purse !, 7. 3 Pocket Flip Wallet-Lollipop Forest, 8. big wallet . ziazia., 9. Wallet - Flower outlines
Created with fd's Flickr Toys

Other half and I both woke up feeling a bit under the weather today, so we've taken a long weekend (we home-school our boys and work from home so we get to do that kind of thing!) and we've tried to have a relaxing (if shivery) day.

I've not been feeling like doing any proper crafting, so I've had a really enjoyable time browsing on Flickr for inspiration. A lot of people have mentioned how much they like the style of my needle books, but they don't sew... so I've been thinking that I'd like to design a wallet along similar lines.

I'm trying to work out how I want to structure my design, and it's always worth having a look at how other people have approached the challenge. Aren't these examples really yummy? I'm sitting here now trying to work out which one is my favourite, but it's very difficult - number 3 and number 8 are extra wonderful, but really I love all of them. Which ones do you like best?

I love this lovely flickr mosaic tool! It's great to play with - here's a mosaic of the knitting needle and crochet hook rolls that I've listed on Etsy this week.

Needle rolls

I was hoping to get more of my wares listed on Etsy this week and set up my planned new Facebook Store... but the weather has been terrible for taking photos - it's been so cold and rainy here - so I'm hoping for a bit more brightness next week and some motivation to get through the long slog of listing everything. In the mean time - have a great weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ali, it will be interesting to see what you come up with! Flickr and Etsy are such great places for inspiration! Love your needle case.

Suzanne Vaughan said...

Hi. I love those wallets etc. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.